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Monday, May 4, 2009

CELEBRITY APPRENTICE 2- Nely Galan's Episode 10 Blog

I am so happy The Celebrity Apprentice has been picked up for another year. I learn so much from watching the show. I told Donald Trump after the show last year that there should be a Celebrity Apprentice boot camp for professionals. It is important to look at the skills and traits that have gotten you to where you are and address if they are still working for you.

When you watch The Celebrity Apprentice it is often clear and painful to see successful people who are stuck in patterns. They have never had the opportunity to stop and realize that there is time to change. There is time to do things differently and grow into the person you were always meant to be, even if you are a Celebrity. Reinvention is a beautiful thing!

I believe that is the theme of this episode.

The task to write a jingle had Clint Black as the obvious project manager and most likely to win contestant.

I felt sick to my stomach for Annie and Brande, putting myself in their shoes, and understanding the extreme difficulty of this task. Yet they came from behind, (clearly underestimated by themselves and others) and yet they won the race. Or maybe it is better put that Clint lost the race and they won by default. No matter- they won.

I find that this often happens in life. It has happened to me so many times. Sometimes I am so cocky and sure of success and then I lose. Other times when I feel like I don't deserve to win or I am unsure, I win in spite of myself. Even more complicated is that sometimes when I try hard and win, in the end I lose because the win was bad for my life. I have also sometimes lost and been devastated and in the end it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

When Trump fired Clint Black, he said that he was grateful for the insight the show gave him about working with others, I thought, this guy is going to go home and change. He realized his behavior is no longer working for him, he needs to let it go. He shifted and when he has time to take it all in, I believe it will be extraordinary for him.

In terms of Annie, she is in every way extraordinary. I rooted for her to win and I was thrilled to see it happen. But, like Jesse the week before, she is not a good winner. She is so gifted she doesn't realize she doesn't have to say I ,I, I, I, so many times. She just is great, she doesn't have to remind us every second. It diminishes her greatness.

It is hard to watch that behavior for me. I realize how often I have done that. I think women have to constantly prove themselves in the work place that we learn to "toot our own horn" in order to be recognized. We create this bad habit of constantly telling you how good we are, always justifying why we deserve our seat at the table. Watching it on TV, I realize that it is unnecessary and unattractive. Note to self and to Annie.

Later when Trump took the final four (Jesse, Joan, Annie and Brande) and had Piers interview them for their eligibility for the final two spots, his insights were profound and exactly what we all have been thinking.

Do Brits just have a knack for this because they are not from the US and they don't care what we think? Both Simon Cowell and Piers have an innate ability of hitting the nail on the head. Piers was right about all.

He thought Brande was lucky and not winner material (although likable and smart).

He felt Jesse was smart and a good leader, but something is off. I agree. While I admire him for keeping his private life private, you can't go on the Celebrity Apprentice, clearly to get publicity for yourself and your charity, and not expect people to want you to pull out your "Celebrity Trump card"- Sandra Bullock. It's was missed opportunity- he had to go! Trump did the right thing!

I am beyond excited that it is between Joan and Annie. How great to see two formidable women going for gold. It is a true horse race. I believe Joan will bring out all her tricks and will do her best to beat Annie. The more I observe Joan the more I think she has been playing poker with Annie. I think she will surprise us all. Annie could win easily unless she gets cocky and underestimates her opponent.

I love them both and will be happy if either one of them win. But for today I am voting for the 75 year old. I think she gets the life achievement award. Yes she has weird quirks and inappropriate comments but in the race of life in every way she is a winner and a phoenix that always rises from the ashes. Joan Rivers has Celebrity Apprentice winner written all over her.

Can't wait hasta next week!

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